Expansive Adventurous New Moon in Sagittarius

  • Screen shot New Moon SagAfter the intensity of Scorpio we’re being given a big breath of optimistic expansive joyful possibilities. What a relief!Where Scorpio is about what’s hidden, Sagittarius is about the quest for truth and sharing it. Where Scorpio turned us inward, exploring the psychological depths, Sag points us outward in spontaneous enthusiastic excitement and a desire for adventure and joining with others for higher meaning.

    This is a great time for expansion and what brings you joy and also for seeking the highest fulfillment of your purpose. Like Sagittarius, the archer pointing his bow to the Heavens, it may be time to “shoot for the stars.” It’s important, though, to not get over-idealistic  because dreamy Neptune is in the vicinity, fortunately balanced by down to Earth structured Saturn. Our enthusiasm and exuberance is a huge plus, but it’s necessary to keep it real!

    As usual, I’m using this New Moon Magic experiment to plant seeds of change relevant to each moon’s sign. It really helps to focus my intentions. Are you finding it helpful too?

    This coming New Moon in Sagittarius:
    Saturday, Nov. 22nd at 4:33 a.m. Pacific, 7:33 a.m. Eastern, 12:33 p.m. GMT. (The intentions are best set around that time, or within 8 hours after, but within the next two days is fine.)

    This week’s New Moon in Sagittarius will help us focus on higher things like philosophy and the meaning of life, while also enjoying congregating with others and seeking or initiating bright new opportunities in business and life. It is an uplifting, forward-looking, energetic and embracing energy that is fueled by the desire for the highest expression of what is possible. Go with that!

    The areas to focus on when setting intentions this week include:

    Quest for Truth – Prayer and higher guidance, religion and places of worship, frank and honest discussion, direct communication;

    Freedom – Spontaneity, adventure, positive expectations, exploration, travel;

    Optimism – Faith, friendliness and reaching out to others, generosity of spirit, gallantry, good fortune;

    Inner and Outer Nature – Connections to nature, intuition, trusting and following inner guidance, having peace of mind;

    Higher Education – Mentors and advisors, college and university programs, philosophy, seeking answers to life’s deepest questions;

    The Law – Attorneys, lawsuits, ethics, morality, conscience, court cases;

    Overcoming Excess – Issues of extravagance, overdoing things, self-righteousness, carelessness, taking shortcuts, making excuses, overly blunt communication.

    For health it concerns hips, liver, sciatica, thighs and upper legs.

    Here are some tips for how to use the New Moon energy to plant effective wishes/ intentions/ visions:

    1. Write them by hand. (You might want to keep a New Moon Magic journal – that’s what I’m doing. Or you could write them on cards and keep them in a drawer.)

    2. Choose more than one but no more than ten wishes or intentions. (To activate but not dissipate the energy.)

    3. Wait until the actual New Moon time or 8 hours after (between 7:33 a.m. and 3:33 p.m. Eastern, on Nov. 22nd) or within 48 hours after that (through Monday, Oct. 24th around 7:30 a.m. ET). Let the wishes form and choose the ones that feel most harmonious and right to you at that time.

    4. In phrasing your intentions feel free to say “I choose, I intend, I create, I wish or want to experience, I request, I ask for, I call to me……” or any language that feels right to you.

    5. You might want to say them out loud after you write them down.

    6. Some recommend lighting a candle.

    Keeping our written intentions where we can refer back to them later, to see which actually came true, is part of this experiment. It’s also advisable to keep your intentions in mind, especially as the Full Moon approaches, the time for action.

    I have also created a NEW MOON MAGIC FACEBOOK PAGE for sharing our New Moon Intentions, if you’d like to do that. Please click on above link to join me there – and click “Join group” in upper right corner if you want to join.

    Use this new Moon to aim high, wish big and believe that dreams can come true. But also keep it real!

P.S. My source of information on this topic is Jan Spiller’s book, New Moon Astrology, as well as several other astrologers.


Expansive Adventurous New Moon in Sagittarius — 2 Comments

  1. Hi Tomar,

    I love this article. I set my intentions for my biz and conscious growth every new moon; tie it all 4 phases and my own yoga practice and work with my clients.

    Great work!!!!


    • Hi Elizabeth –

      I’m so glad you like this. And how great that you work with all 4 phases of the moon and include this in your work with clients. Excellent!


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