I’m doing something for the first time… and it’s scary

WWW Website Banner USE-2I’m excited. And I’m scared.

Next week I’m hosting my very first live Meetup in New York City.

It’s called Wise Women Waking and my purpose is to gather women in the second half of life for inspiration and empowerment. (If you or anyone you know are local to me and are interested, CLICK HERE.)

It’s a big deal for me to be doing this.

For all the years I’ve been developing my current business, my focus has been on the Internet and the online world. 

I’m a huge believer in our global network and am infinitely grateful for the amazing connections I’ve made with beautiful souls all over the world. The Internet has changed my life for the better in countless ways.

But in the process I, like many of us, have become a bit of a computer-slave. My community is now more virtual than in-the-flesh, which is very different from how it used to be.

But there’s a bigger reason why this is so important. I’m breaking through a fear-barrier.

I love to teach and speak to audiences. It’s something I’ve known for many years is part of my nature and my purpose and one of my chief gifts.

Yet… it’s scary too. It’s a lot easier to speak on the telephone or a video or a webinar than to stand in front of a live audience. Any presentation of self to the public feels risky to the ego – but more so when it’s in person.. (You’ve probably heard that most people fear public speaking more than death.)

So, as a habitual putter-offer, public speaking was one more thing I’ve been saying I want to do – but was not doing. Until now.

With a relatively simple action, I finally broke the ice and launched something, and will cross that particular threshold next week. The way I look at it, whoever shows up and however it goes will be a plus. It will be a starting gate from which more will flow and evolve.

I know that once I’m in motion it’s easy to course-correct. When I”m standing still all the plans I make are just mind-matter, abstractions.

I also know that taking action has miraculous effects impossible to anticipate. I’ve experienced this over and over in my life. I bet you have too.

I have a strong creative imagination and have envisioned many amazing and wonderful things in my life… that I have never implemented. I believe this is true of many creative spiritual visionary types whose upper chakras are more active than our lower ones.

What about you? Do you also have dreams stored in the back corners of your mind that you tell yourself you’ll get to “some day?

Would you like some help moving those dreams forward? Even crossing the threshold from imagination into baby steps of enactment?

Let me know if you’d like some help thinking this through and converting your dreams to action.

And I’ll let you know how it goes next week! 


I’m doing something for the first time… and it’s scary — 4 Comments

  1. Congratulations on this big step. I have hosted a weekly writing group (called Just Write) through Meetup for three years now. It was a scary step for me, too, but it has become the highlight of my week and has led to wonderful friendships and amazing opportunities. You’ve got me thinking about those other big ideas, too.

  2. Patty, thanks so much for your support. I’m very encouraged to hear about your writing group – what a wonderful thing you’ve created. Congratulations!
    And definitely reach out if you want support for those ‘other big ideas.” I’m sure they’re equally great!

  3. Thanks, Michelle. From when I first planned this event – and thought I had to present a “signature speech” – to now, my idea has turned around 180 degrees. I will have talking points and some exercises but mostly I anticipate interactive sharing and exploration. (Of course, I still will need a signature speech for when I get invited to speak elsewhere.)

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