New Moon in Radiant Leo

a Sun & MoonTHIS COMING NEW MOON IN LEO is Saturday July 26th, at 3:41 p.m. Pacific, 6:41 p.m. Eastern, 11:41 p.m. GMT. (The intentions are best set within 8 hours, but really within the next two days is fine.)

This Saturday’s New Moon in Leo is powerful, expansive, and super-vibrant. Not only that, but the Sun and expansive Jupiter are also in Leo, so we have a triple dose of this bold, radiant, generous, loving, confident  energy to draw on. Let’s make the most of it!

LEO is associated with the Sun in our solar system, with the heart in our body, and with the symbol of the lion. This new moon is especially opportune for setting intentions concerning creative self-expression, love and romance, celebration and play, as well as leadership and self-confidence. 

The areas to focus on when setting intentions this week include:

  • Love and Romance – Dating, attracting a love relationship, improving your relationship, children, all heart connections;  
  • Creative Self-Expression – Creative projects, artistic expression, self-actualization, pursuing your passions, enthusiasm;  
  • Giving Love and Support – Loyalty, generosity, encouragement, protection, expressing kindness;  
  • Pleasure and Celebration – Fun, play, games, parties, vacations, recreational sports, adventure;  
  • Dignity – Recognition, being center-stage, self-confidence, powerful individual expression, radiant presence;  
  • Determination – Leadership, concentrated focus, follow-through, strength of purpose, resoluteness, stamina;  
  • Overcoming Arrogance – Issues of pride, self-centeredness, bossiness, being overly dramatic.  
  • For health it concerns back and spine, exhaustion, heart, and inflammations.

 See which topics resonate with you or relate to particular needs or issues you’re working with in your life. Leo covers a lot of ground.

Here are some tips for how to use the New Moon energy to plant effective wishes/ intentions/ visions:

1. Write them by hand. (You might want to keep a New Moon Magic journal – that’s what I’m doing. Or you could write them on cards and keep them in a drawer.)

2. Choose more than one but no more than ten wishes or intentions. (To activate but not dissipate the energy.)

3. Wait until the actual New Moon time or 8 hours after (between 6:41 p.m. and 2:41 a.m. Eastern, on July. 26th-27th) or within 48 hours after that (through Monday, July 28th around 6:40 p.m. ET). Let the wishes form and choose the ones that feel most harmonious and right to you at that time. 

4. In phrasing your intentions feel free to say “I choose, I intend, I create, I wish or want to experience, I request, I ask for, I call to me……” or any language that feels right to you. 

For the purposes of this “experiment,” keeping our written intentions where we can refer back to them later, to see which actually came true, will be most interesting. I will be inviting you all to share your findings. 

I have also created a NEW MOON MAGIC FACEBOOK PAGE for sharing our New Moon Intentions, if you’d like to do that. Please click on above link to join me there – and click “Join group” in upper right corner if you want to join.

Wishing you a rich and fertile planting of seeds in this New Moon! May you realize all the wishes of your heart! 

With love and blessings,



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